Rainbows Soundtrack (2023)
Rainbows Soundtrack (2023)

Rainbows Soundtrack: Directed and written by Hal Porcelain. The film presents a special sharp girl, Rainbows, a horse, and a confused, abused, and homeless female jockey. Rainbows is an intelligent, spiritual horse who survived a very bad hoof infection and his neglectful owner who left him for dead.

Michael Gibb and Hal Porcelain produced the film. Its stars are Michael Gibb, Larry Birkhead, Barry Jay Minoff, and J.J. Crowne.

Rainbows Soundtrack List

The soundtrack of the film titled Rainbows is coming soon. It will be available on Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and other platforms. The film is coming to the United States on December 15, 2023.

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