Red Queen Soundtrack: Directed by Koldo Serra, Julián de Tavira, and Pablo Silva Glez, Red Queen is an upcoming television series.
The series is written by Juan Gómez-Jurado, Amaya Muruzabal, and Salvador Perpiñá.
Genre: Thriller
Release Date: February 29, 2024
Official Synopsis: A gifted woman’s intellect brings a chance to lead a covert European police force. But it backfires, costing her everything. Following the murder at her home and kidnapped heiress, her ex-supervisor enlists a policeman’s aid to reinstate her.

Who composed the Red Queen Soundtrack?
Víctor Reyes composed the music for Red Queen. He is a Spanish musician. He is a great composer as well as an actor and is well-known for Buried (2010), Grand Piano (2013), and The Night Manager (2016).
His film scores include Love Gets a Room, Stories to Keep You from Sleeping, Down a Dark Halll, Perfect Strangers, The Night Manager, Red Lights, Without tits there is no paradise, Contestant, and others.
Red Queen Soundtrack List
Coming Soon…………
The soundtrack for the series titled Red Queen will be updated soon. It will be available on various platforms like Spotify and Apple Music.
These platforms will provide you with a complete list of the songs included in the soundtrack, as well as the artists and composers behind them.
Official trailer: Red Queen is set to be released on February 29, 2024. You can watch the trailer of Red Queen on YouTube, where you can get a glimpse of the story.
The series cast includes Vicky Luengo, Hovik Keuchkerian, Celia Freijeiro, Nacho Fresneda, José Ángel Egido, Karmele Larrinaga, Andrea Trepat, Alex Brendemühl, Vicenta N’Dongo, and Urko Olazabal.
You will also see Selam Ortega, Pere Brasó, Fernando Guallar, Emma Suárez, Jonathan D. Mellor, Eduardo Noriega, Bruno Sevilla, Frank Gerrish, Vicente Vergara, Ángel López-Silva, and others.

The executive producers of the series include Anna Cassina, Sergio Díaz, Juan Gómez-Jurado, Adriana Izquierdo, and Amaya Muruzabal.
Music department of