Alice Cooper's Makeup Line Dropped After Anti-Trans Comments Spark Backlash
Alice Cooper's Makeup Line Dropped After Anti-Trans Comments Spark Backlash

Rock singer Alice Cooper has lost a brand partnership with a cosmetics company after calling her comments about transgender people a “fad”.

WASHINGTON (TND) – A self-described LGBT+-owned cosmetics brand has ended a partnership with rock artist Alice Cooper after he criticized sex change procedures for minors.

Vampire Cosmetics parted ways with Cooper earlier this month after the singer called “transgender affairs” a “fad” in an interview with music blog Stereogum.

Alice Cooper‘s Makeup Line Dropped After Anti-Trans Comments Spark Backlash

Cooper said in the interview “I understand that there are cases of transgender, but I’m afraid that it’s also a fad, and I’m afraid there’s a lot of people claiming to be this just because they want to be that,” “I find it wrong when you’ve got a six-year-old kid who has no idea. He just wants to play, and you’re confusing him by telling him, ‘Yeah, you’re a boy, but you could be a girl if you want to be.’”

Cooper further stated that individuals should “at least become sexually aware” before “they start thinking about if they’re a boy or a girl.”

He also shared anti-trans rhetoric regarding access to public bathrooms, claiming that allowing transgender people to use bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity would result in violent crimes.  “A guy can walk into a woman’s bathroom at any time and just say, ‘I just feel like I’m a woman today’ and have the time of his life in there,” Cooper said. “He’s just taking advantage of that situation … Somebody’s going to get raped.”

Social media users took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to hit back at the brand for the move. “The intolerant and bigoted company, @VampyreCosmetics, apparently nixed their account after saying that experimental, medically unnecessary surgeries on young kids constitute ‘health care,’”

“No clue who Vampyre Cosmetics are, but to cancel a contract based on what Alice Cooper is reported to have said indicates to me that they are not a very ethical company,” another user said. “Values such as commitment, meaning, adhering to a promise made is not something to treat with indifference.”

As of Tuesday, Vampire’s X page is “queer, disabled and proudly neurodiverse women.” Elsewhere on the site, they also state that they “believe gender is a construct and has no place in our business. We refuse to gender our products because they are for everyone.”

Alice Cooper’s Makeup Line Dropped After Anti-Trans Comments Spark Backlash

Information on the collaboration with Cooper still appears on Vampyr’s website, now with a supplement stating that the company has canceled the deal.

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