Sixty Minutes Soundtrack

Directed by Oliver Kienle and written by Philip Koch & Oliver Kienle. Sixty Minutes is Action, Drama, and Sport. The film stars Emilio Sakraya, Dennis Mojen, Marie Mouroum, Florian Schmidtke, Paul Wollin, and others.

The film presents a mixed martial arts fighter who abandons a big match to attend his daughter’s birthday party.

Who composed the Sixty Minutes Soundtrack?

Michael Kadelbach composed the music for Sixty Minutes. He is known for One Trillion Dollars (2023), We Children from Bahnhof Zoo (2021), and Isi & Ossi (2020).

Sixty Minutes Soundtrack List

The soundtrack of Sixty Minutes is coming soon. It will be available on Spotify, Amazon Music, YouTube, Apple Music, SoundCloud, and other platforms.

Official Trailer

The film will be released on Netflix on January 24, 2024. You can also watch the official trailer of Sixty Minutes on YouTube, where you can get a glimpse of the stories and cast.

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