Mystery on Mistletoe Lane Soundtrack
Mystery on Mistletoe Lane Soundtrack

Mystery on Mistletoe Lane premieres on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. ET on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. The movie is directed by  Allan Harmon, Victor Webster, Erica Cerra, Fred Henderson, Mary-Beth Manning, and Juliette Hawk.

The movie is produced by Alexandre Coscas, Alexander Glua, Kevin Duda(I), Michael R. Goldstein(II), Ben C. Silverman, Ronny Kurland, and Aidan Heatley.

Genre: Mystery, Holiday, and Romance

About the Movie: New to town, Heidi Wicks and her kids discover a Christmas mystery in their historic home.

Mystery on Mistletoe Lane Soundtrack

  • Jingle Bells by Paul Lazare. This song was released in 2018 with the album titled Bruton Vaults: Vintage Christmas Memories
  • Joy to the World: This Christmas song was written by Isaac Watts in 1719. This song is based on Psalm 98. The popular version we sing today was arranged by Lowell Mason in 1848. It’s the most-published Christmas hymn in North America since the 20th century.
  • We Wish You a Merry Christmas Jazz Version.
  • Deck the Halls by Paul Lenart and John Curtis. You may hear the music at the ending scenes of the film while they are celebrating Christmas. Deck the Halls was released in 2007 under the album titled Christmas Guitars.

Mystery on Mistletoe Lane Soundtrack will be updated for you soon till then listen to your favorite songs on Apple Music and Spotify.

The Cast Mystery on Mistletoe Lane

  • Victor Webster
  • Erica Cerra
  • Fred Henderson(I)
  • Juliette Hawk
  • Jeanie Cloutier
  • Gardiner Millar
  • Mary-Beth Manning
  • Logan Pierce(V)
  • Benjamin Jacobson(III)
  • Diana Smendra
Mystery on Mistletoe Lane Soundtrack

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